• Service

    Weight management

    Lost weight should stay lost!

    At MK-Nutrition, you learn to manage your own weight: assessing your skills, resources and difficulties, defining your goals and strategies, and adapting them for the short and long term.

    Tailored to your needs

    The time for change is now! Your visits can be longer or shorter, more or less frequent, face-to-face or virtual, as suits you. We also offer, as needed, assessment of body composition or energy expenditure, supervised physical activity and various forms of coaching.

  • Service

    Sports nutrition

    Feeding your performance

    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, what you eat fuels your work, and we can help you work out the optimum diet for reaching your goals. A single visit, in-depth long-term coaching, and everything in between: as you wish. We work together as needed with physiotherapists, coaches and sports medicine specialists.

    Tailored to your needs

    • Weight management during or after an injury.
    • Planning your intake for an event.
    • Preventing dehydration without risking hyponatremia.
    • Peace of mind at the weigh-in before a fight.
    • … and you? What is your goal?
Livre Maaike Kruseman: Changer de poids c'est changer de vie
The book

Changer de poids, c'est changer de vie.

Comment maintenir sa perte de poids translates literally as «Changing your weight means changing your life. How to maintain weight loss».

This book (available from March 2020, but only in French so far) focuses on the moment when weight loss has been successfully accomplished. For people who have dieted, it is a moment of triumph and pride – but it is also the start of a new phase of their life. How does the body regulate its weight? What strategies work to stabilize it?
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