Maaike Kruseman, PhD
From the start of my career, I have balanced research work, patient contact, and teaching, mostly within the HUG (Geneva University Hospitals) and HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland). On this demanding journey, I have met many inspiring mentors, passionate colleagues, patients who put their trust in me, and students who shared my enthusiasm. They all have contributed to my growth, and still do.
After a Bachelor in Nutrition and dietetics, I obtained a Master’s degree in Public Health at Geneva University, followed by a PhD in Life Sciences at Lausanne University. I currently hold two academic posts, one at HES-SO Genève and the other at the Institute for sports studies at Lausanne University. I work with various hospitals and research institutes, and give lectures and talks for the general public as well as for the scientific community.
As a specialist in obesity, I have developed a concept for weight loss maintenance which I implement in counselling and describe in my book « Changer de poids, c’est changer de vie ». My other field is Sports Nutrition. I hold the IOC Diploma in Sports Science and am a serious practicing athlete myself (triathlon). To you, I offer custom care and coaching to optimise your diet and reap the best possible rewards from your training programme.